Document added on Thursday, 31 May 2018
visual Health & Safety Documents

Health & Safety Documents

Legally safe documents that will help you stay on top of every health and safety situation in the least cost way.

Topic: Off-site working

Mobile staff safety checklist

Mobile staff safety checklist

When staff work away from your premises, you still have a responsibility for their safety. Use our checklist to ensure you’ve covered the key points.


Why is this important?

When travelling, staff can be at risk from road traffic accidents or violence. They are also at greater risk due to not having the back up of colleagues if they fall ill, become injured or need help to lift a heavy object. Our Mobile Staff Safety Checklist will help to ensure that your policies and procedures cover travelling staff.

How should you use it?

Our document is made up of a table which is broken down into four sections. Within each section there are a number of questions which you should ask if you employ mobile workers.

Each question can be answered with a “Yes”, “No”, or “N/A” (not applicable) response. If there is more to say, the “F/I” (further information) column should also be ticked, with details written in the appropriate box at the end of the form.

Once all questions have been answered you will be able see where further action is needed to rectify any shortcomings.

At the bottom fill in details of who has completed the checklist and when, along with the date of the scheduled review. If significant changes are made to the workplace or processes, the revision date should be brought forward.

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Last Updated: 13.05.2024
Health, Safety and Environment Documents

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