- : Year 02, issue 05?q=&offset=14&issue=05&volume=02&cookieChecked=1

When is alternative employment suitable? Publication date: 17.03.2000
Article database
You know that you’re obliged to offer alternative positions to employees in the throes of being made redundant. Suppose you believe a position is suitable but the employee says “no thanks”. Will you still have to pay?
Equal pay for men and women? Publication date: 17.03.2000
Article database
Since 1975 female employees have been able to claim the same pay as their male counterparts. Yet statistics show that there’s still a 20% gap in pay between the genders. So is it OK to pay women less?
Disciplinary procedure - binding or not Publication date: 17.03.2000
Article database
You probably know that if your disciplinary procedure is expressed as being non-contractual a failure to follow it is unlikely to lead to problems. But a recent tribunal case has thrown a large spanner in the works…
Prevention is better than cure Publication date: 17.03.2000
Article database
Poor performance and disciplinary problems often go hand in hand. Could a preventive approach to managing your employees pay dividends and if so, what’s involved?
Calculating compensation - new figures Publication date: 17.03.2000
Article database
Calculating compensation - new figures.. Various figures are used to calculate unfair dismissal compensation, redundancy dues and payments for short-time working and lay-off, etc. Well, on February 1 they increased. Here are the key changes. .Avoid confusion and embarrassment by using the new figures to calculate relevant employment dues. They apply...
Smokers’ rights - do they have any? Publication date: 17.03.2000
Article database
Smokers’ rights - do they have any?.. The fact that smoking damages the addict’s own health has long been beyond doubt. There’s a pretty good case for the damage caused by passive smoking too. Yet as more than 15 million of us (a third of the working population) still like to puff on the weed, implementing and managing a smoking at work policy...
Translation, s’il vous plaît Publication date: 20.03.1998
Article database
Are automatic translations still as hit-and-miss as they used to be? Check out AltaVista’s free Translation Service!
We want more... newsgroups Publication date: 20.03.1998
Article database
If you like consulting the odd Usenet newsgroup occasionally, you might have read about public news servers. How can they help you?
Software disposal Publication date: 20.03.1998
Article database
You’ve probably downloaded several programs from the Internet which you hardly - or never - use. How can you safely remove them from your Windows system?
Speed surfing Publication date: 20.03.1998
Article database
Everyone dreams of having a faster Internet connection. Did you know that you can increase the speed of your 28.8 Kbps or 33.6 Kbps modem simply by “tuning” your Windows 95 default set-up configuration?

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Last updated: 03.05.2024

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