- : Year 02, issue 07?q=&offset=14&issue=07&volume=02

Fancy a private number plate? Publication date: 29.01.2001
Article database
Fancy a private number plate?.. You probably have fairly strong views on the use of personalised/cherished number plates on vehicles. What’s for sure is that they certainly stir emotions in people and catch the eye . So why not buy one that “advertises” your business? Meaning? Well, suppose you trade as DY Builders or DA Consulting or Fun restaurants...
“Do we have to keep him?” Publication date: 14.04.2000
Article database
An employee resigns and hands in his notice. Everything’s OK for a day or two but then he becomes a nuisance. Can you dismiss?
Bonus payments - contractual benefits? Publication date: 14.04.2000
Article database
It’s becoming increasingly common to reward employees with bonuses. But should a bonus become part of the overall contractual remuneration package or would a more informal arrangement be more suitable?
The writing’s on the wall Publication date: 14.04.2000
Article database
As a responsible employer you’ll already display a health and safety poster. But did you know that by July 1 you must have the all-new one and that there’s now a requirement to include details of your safety reps?
When things don’t go to plan Publication date: 14.04.2000
Article database
You probably try to promote from within. After all it’s an ideal way to motivate your staff. But what if you promote an employee only to discover that he or she isn’t up to it? Can you demote, dismiss or are you stuck with the problem?
In court - restricitive convenants Publication date: 14.04.2000
Article database
In court - restricitive convenants.. We’ve featured the problems of enforcing restrictive covenants in several issues. The basic rules haven’t been changed - you must be seeking to protect a legitimate business interest in a reasonable way. But what if extra cash is involved? In the recent case of Turner v Commonwealth & British Minerals several...
In court - working hours Publication date: 14.04.2000
Article database
In court - working hours.. You’re probably sick of reading and hearing about the Working Time Regulations (WTR) - rest breaks, paid holidays, the 48 hour working week, new rules for night working. The list goes on. You probably also know that although the Health and Safety Executive allowed an unofficial honeymoon period before flexing its enforcement...
Saving a flawed procedure? Publication date: 14.04.2000
Article database
You’ll know that as part of the redundancy process you must consult with your staff. Yet it might be tempting to cut corners to get the whole thing over with. This can be a costly mistake. Is it possible to remedy the defect?
Whom to trust? Publication date: 14.04.2000
Article database
All the risks associated with employee relations mean that you’re naturally keen to play it by the book. If you turn to a solicitor do you blindly follow the advice even if you believe it to be wrong?
Going soft on drunk employees? Publication date: 14.04.2000
Article database
There’s a pretty good chance that if an employee gets drunk whilst at work you’d sack him on the spot. But think again. A recent case has shown that employers now have to take extra care…

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Last updated: 17.05.2024

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