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New phone scam involves advisors Publication date: 23.09.2016
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New phone scam involves advisors..A new scam is currently doing the rounds. A bogus caller rings up an accountant and poses as an HMRC money laundering (ML) investigator. The caller says that they had previously sent a letter to the accountant about an ML report on one of their clients (the accountant may not have actually received a letter). The client...
Are your clients paying too much NI? Publication date: 23.09.2016
Article database
NI contributions are collected separately for each employment and self-employment, but are subject to an annual cap, which your clients may be unaware they have exceeded. How can this arise and what action should you take if your clients have overpaid?
What happens when the estate value falls? Publication date: 23.09.2016
Article database
Sometimes, following the agreement of probate values, assets are sold out of the estate - for example to fund the tax bill. In uncertain economic times this sale can be for less than the probate value. What recourse is available to your clients?
How do you advise clients subject to recovery action? Publication date: 23.09.2016
Article database
How and when your clients pay their tax is out of your control - despite your warnings about penalties and interest some will still pay late for various reasons. However, the penalties are often just a starting point. How do you best advise clients facing recovery?
Could your college clients net an unexpected windfall? Publication date: 23.09.2016
Article database
A college has defeated HMRC at both the First-tier and Upper Tribunals over the VAT-exempt status of income it receives. The case has now been referred to the European courts. However, what should you do now for potentially affected clients?
Updated guidance - a saving opportunity? Publication date: 23.09.2016
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Using a flat rate scheme can be beneficial and administratively simple for your clients. How has a recent change to the guidance made things easier, and how can your consultant clients potentially benefit?
How to spot your competitors’ changes Publication date: 19.09.2013
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How to spot your competitors’ changes.. I spy. You always keep a close eye on the company’s competition and, where necessary, respond quickly if they attempt to outsmart you, e.g. they’re offering a deal to tempt new customers in. One way of doing this is to check out your competitors’ websites on a regular basis - but who wants, or even has...
Cable proposes a late payment levy Publication date: 19.09.2013
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Cable proposes a late payment levy.. More political hot air? According to the Business Secretary, Vince Cable, his department is “seriously considering” the possibility of imposing a “late payment levy”, i.e. a fine, on those companies who fail to pay their suppliers on time. This is partly because only a handful of larger corporates have signed...
Interim or final dividends - is HMRC bothered which? Publication date: 19.09.2013
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HMRC makes a big issue in its instruction manuals about the difference between interim and final dividends. But in practice does it really matter and should you be taking steps to amend your procedures?
Nationwide tax investigations Publication date: 19.09.2013
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HMRC is cranking up the pressure on businesses by launching seven new investigation task forces. Who’s being targeted this time?

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Last updated: 10.05.2024

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