- : Year 03, issue 07?q=&offset=15&issue=07&volume=03&cookieChecked=1

IE 5.0: what’s new? Publication date: 16.04.1999
Article database
The new Internet Explorer may not be revolutionary, but it does sport several new features which are likely to make your surfing life easier and/or more pleasant.
The free lunch has arrived... Publication date: 16.04.1999
Article database
Lots of freebies are only for US citizens but what about the UK? We check the situation.
Caricatures Publication date: 16.04.1999
Article database
Caricatures.. Suppose you want to treat your colleagues or friends to a home-made caricature but feel that your artistic talents are not up to scratch, what can you do? Try checking out the Caricature Zone ( http://www.magixl.com/heads/poir.html )! The procedure is child’s play: first select the basic face (man or woman) and then try out all kinds...
Films galore Publication date: 16.04.1999
Article database
The cinema and the Internet seem to go hand in hand, and film sites generally rank among the best the Web has to offer. Here are some examples.
Please protect us... Publication date: 16.04.1999
Article database
We recently reviewed the rules of thumb for protecting yourself against viruses. Where can you find additional and up-to-date virus and hoax information?
Searching for information on specialist topics Publication date: 16.04.1999
Article database
To help you find web sites quickly, search engines permanently index Web pages. However, can you also find sites which can’t be indexed for one reason or another?
See you at WebEx Publication date: 16.04.1999
Article database
The new (and free) WebEx service lets you organise teleconferences via the Net. What exactly does WebEx teleconferencing allow you to do?
Your own e-mail stationery Publication date: 16.04.1999
Article database
Some e-mail programs let you design your own “stationery”. How does it work, and is it useful?
Linux the brave Publication date: 16.04.1999
Article database
Linux the brave.. Although Microsoft remains the undisputed market leader, it is beginning to face some competition. Take Linux , an increasingly popular operating system that makes a good Windows alternative and, unlike Windows, is completely free. You can simply down­load the software from the Internet; in addition, Linux offers complete access to...
New around here? Publication date: 16.04.1999
Article database
Internet use is increasing exponentially, but so is the need for sites helping newcomers on the Net. Here are some helpful addresses for “newbies”.

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Last updated: 19.04.2024

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