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Armour for a PAYE enquiry Publication date: 05.09.2016
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PAYE enquiries are increasingly popular with HMRC. You’re required to keep “sufficient documentation” to back up what you say. How can our policy document help you here?
Changing the way you hold joint property Publication date: 05.09.2016
Article database
Holding joint property as tenants in common can open the door to various tax advantages. However, you may need to change the way joint property is held to benefit. How do you do this and how does our document help?
Do companies get a CGT allowance? Publication date: 05.09.2016
Article database
Do companies get a CGT allowance?..Q. I formed a two-person company over a decade ago. At the time we purchased a warehouse which we have used to store our finished furniture products before they sell online. We’ve received an offer for the property of £200,000 more than it was bought for. I don’t know about the tax position - does the annual allowance...
Fixing a PAYE issue? Publication date: 05.09.2016
Article database
Fixing a PAYE issue?..Q. We’ve just had a PAYE inspection, and have been told that the inspector hasn’t seen enough to convince him all the expenses we pay to staff are legitimate business expenses. We’re a small company with just me and five staff. I know who is where and why all of the time so I’m 100% sure they are sound - is this not enough?...
What is the taxable gain for my company? Publication date: 05.09.2016
Article database
Unlike individuals and trusts, companies are not generally subject to capital gains tax. Instead, they pay corporation tax on gains, along with other types of profit. The way gains are worked out differs too, so how can our new tool help you?
Claim relief when the price isn’t right Publication date: 05.09.2016
Article database
Generally, inheritance tax (IHT) is calculated on probate value. However, a little known relief is available if the value falls in the years after death. What is this relief and how do you go about claiming it?
Taking HMRC to task...and court Publication date: 05.09.2016
Article database
You’ve had a VAT enquiry and inspection, and have just received a notice of closure, coupled with an assessment for underpaid tax with a penalty. You don’t agree in the slightest with the decision - so what can you do and how do you go about it?
Summer Budget forecast Publication date: 29.06.2015
Article database
The Chancellor announced that there will be a summer Budget on 8 July 2015. Is there any last minute tax planning for clients to consider before then?
Late filing penalties to be written off? Publication date: 29.06.2015
Article database
A national newspaper has reported that HMRC is writing off late filing penalties without investigation. But is it as simple as it sounds?
New addresses for R40 tax repayment claims Publication date: 29.06.2015
Article database
New addresses for R40 tax repayment claims..R40. If a client has paid too much tax on their savings income but they don’t complete a self-assessment tax return, you can complete Form R40 on their behalf to claim a tax repayment (see Follow up ). But neither the R40 nor the notes that accompany it provide details of where to send it. It can’t be...

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Last updated: 17.05.2024

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