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Securing capital allowances on a pre-owned building Publication date: 10.03.2017
Article database
When you buy a commercial property that isn’t brand new, it’s likely that a previous owner will have claimed capital allowances on the fixtures. How does our document ensure that you don’t inadvertently lose the right to claim allowances yourself?
Putting off the tax bill when you sell a piece of land Publication date: 10.03.2017
Article database
Holding land as an investment asset is a tried and tested strategy. When it comes to selling it you might do this piecemeal. How can our new document ensure you take advantage of a tax deferral?
How to get the full spouse exemption for IHT Publication date: 10.03.2017
Article database
When one half of a married couple is a non-domiciled individual, transfers to that spouse are subject to a restricted exemption - meaning inheritance tax can be payable. Is there a way around this, and how can our new document help?
Avoiding or reducing a charge Publication date: 10.03.2017
Article database
As the end of the 2016/17 tax year approaches you might find that your income for the year means you will be subject to the child benefit clawback charge. How can our tool help avoid or reduce this?
Unexpected tax bill Publication date: 10.03.2017
Article database
Unexpected tax bill..Q. My mother has recently been widowed and my sister and I are handling the probate. My father left everything to her. He was secretive about his finances, and it was a pleasant surprise to find that he had some substantial investments that have built up over a number of years. Unfortunately my mother - who originally came to the...
Dealing with a part disposal Publication date: 10.03.2017
Article database
Dealing with a part disposal..Q. I live on a smallholding with around 80 acres of land. Last year I sold a small section of it to a friend at a fair value for him to keep his horses on. I’ve heard that I might not have to pay tax (there is a moderate capital gain). Is this correct? A. Possibly, if two conditions are met you might be able to deduct...
Reclaiming mileage as a self-employed worker Publication date: 10.03.2017
Article database
As a self-employed individual you are entitled to offset expenses incurred wholly and necessarily in the course of your business. Travel expenses can be fickle so how can our document ensure you don’t pay more tax than you need to?
Initial rate of SRIT announced Publication date: 27.01.2016
Article database
The Scottish rate of income tax for 2016/17 has now been confirmed. What will the position be for affected clients, and what will you need to do?
VAT - what are the latest opportunities for 2016? Publication date: 27.01.2016
Article database
There were some key VAT topics, including energy-saving materials and refunds to charities, for your clients to consider arising from the Chancellor’s 2015 Autumn Statement and draft Finance Bill 2016. What planning points can you raise with them?
When is a loss not a loss for tax purposes? Publication date: 27.01.2016
Article database
A First-tier Tribunal case highlights the importance of demonstrating that a business is being operated on a commercial basis. How can you protect clients who make repeated losses from a potential assessment?

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Last updated: 06.05.2024

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